"All the random things in life that inspire me, some I create, some I spot and those I aspire to.
It's random, but then again, that's the point."

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Very cool themed restaurant in London called Olivomare only serves seafood. The entire space is themed, even the ceilings are designed to feel like looking up through the sea foam.
I love that everything is white except for a few accents. It takes so much restraint not to overdo it.

Escher inspired painting at the banquette.

Monday, November 29, 2010


More graffiti and art from downtown LA. Incase you haven't realized it downtown is quite a hot spot for art. Between the gallery shows that are constantly rotating and the great street art there is never a shortage of something great to see. Here are some images of animal art.

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Ok, so we all have stuff...But do we really have to just toss it on the chair or buy one of those ugly ikea armoires? People are so clever. I love these solutions. Check 'em out!

You probably can't afford this, but isn't it cool!


Simple and functional...If only we could leave the empty shelves...yeah right...I would fill that puppy up.

Bench light combo...of course...why didn't I think of that.

Saturday, November 27, 2010


Ok, I have been seeing a lot of faces lately at art shows. Here are some of my favorite pieces. Sorry I didn't write down all the artists....If I come across them again I will definitely take notes.

Friday, November 26, 2010


Inspiration can strike at any time, sometimes I am walking down the street and the way the birds fly over head make me think of the perfect design solution for a pair of earrings. I especially love looking to fashion for interior design inspiration.  I find that it's really just a scale change from one medium to the next. Here are some great fashion inspirations for the day. I love these...don't know if I would wear them, but I am inspired by them none the less.
Balance, Structure, A-Symmetry, hmhhh...Design Basics?

Prada, who says you have to have contrast to make it work, why not have the background fold into the subject.

It's just fabulous, I don't know what to say.

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Story Lamp by Skar + Vidal

Bell Lamp by Allison Berger

Sofas_in honor of a day_just sitting around_with family

Ahh, Thanksgiving, a day of great food and family and lounging around loved ones houses in comfort and hopefully style. Here are some lovely sofa's to inspire good living.
Minotti Hamilton sofa

Minotti Hamilton chaise lounger

Moroso Lowland sectional

Moira Starr Move sofa

Terrence sofa

Walter Knoll Prime Time sofa