"All the random things in life that inspire me, some I create, some I spot and those I aspire to.
It's random, but then again, that's the point."

Friday, June 17, 2011


I posted months ago on pattern and have been actively seeking out more great examples of pattern in the built and natural environment.
A metal screen made of layers that open and close to allow visibility to the space beyond.

Honey comb representing the busy bees that created it but also a beautiful graphic and luminous surface.

Modern indian fashion interpreting the peacock feather in a dramatic departure of color.
Actual peacock feathers, the vibrant patterns you think of come from the male peacock used to attract a mate.

Henna pattern body art that blends right into the pattern of the garment that the woman is wearing.

Simplified graphics again taking inspiration from the peacock but used as a wall stencil to decorate a room.

Pattern created by the simple tool of repetition used on the facade of a building controlling the light to the inside.

Pattern used on the facade of a tall tower to create balconies to the units beyond.

Pattern of balconies that convey a sense of playfulness in the college dormitory.

Manmade pattern in technology.

Simple use of lighting to create a manmade pattern on the exterior of a building.

Pattern in the structure that holds up a roof.

Sidewalk chalk art in india used to celebrate a significant cultural celebration.

Openings into a facade allow light to penetrate into the work spaces.

Clever tile patterning.

A 3 dimensional example of what the 1's and 0's of technology can be.

Layering of patterns to create depth.

Simple technique for allowing light into a space.

Pattern in silhouette.

Relief of a surface.

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