"All the random things in life that inspire me, some I create, some I spot and those I aspire to.
It's random, but then again, that's the point."

Monday, November 22, 2010


Pattern is the obvious, a decoration, and a repeated set of elements. But it is so much more, there is the pattern of movement, how a group of people or animals roam the earth. An ant has a specific way of carrying a crumb back to the ant hill. Polar bears know instinctively how to track back to the ocean to get food when the land is covered in blinding white snow.  There is the pattern of growth, how a flower sprouts up in a certain way over and over bringing beauty at each stage of its development. 

Pattern of growth of a population, of a family of a way of life. Pattern is decoration as a simple motif but also as a recognition of deeper beliefs, anthologies ways of being. The pattern is sometimes just the outer manifestation of something that has been growing for centuries. A wedding celebration may have outward patterns of henna and dance but the true depth of the pattern reaches back centuries. There is a passing on of pattern by generation to generation. The expression that is the pattern is simply a mark on the medium of choice. Sometimes it is a canvas, a tile, or a skin, sometimes it is an inanimate object a vessel other times it is a living breathing species that continues to dazzle us with its expressive movement.

Pattern is three dimensional, it determines the lines of our buildings, the way we drive through a city and how we interact with one another. 

 Pattern is well thought out and sometimes it is simply organic like the way a cucumber looks when you cut it. No matter where the cucumber came from there is a genetic code that determines the inside of that sliced cucumber will always look the way it does.

We use pattern as decoration for our walls, we layer on this decoration. We are in a trend of additive design. The more the merrier, clash is a concept that is accepted right now, patterns clashing on top of patterns create interest…No Matter where you look there is pattern all around us. Sometimes just taking the time to see the repetition in our surroundings can help us understand the way things are, and sometimes spur us to make change.